Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

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Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von ehem User »

I am sorry I have not been back for some time, but I have been very busy. This video might give people some idea of what I do I hope this explains why I train and work the way I do. I need my pony to be totally reliable for doing this sort of work. When he an I are fooling around, I don't mind what he does. This video shows us just being stupid. But we have fun.
We will be at Equiday, in Ermelo in Holland on the 11th of April if anyone can come and visit.
Thank you.
Beiträge: 766
Registriert: Fr 10. Aug 2012, 20:44
Wohnort: Dresden

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von Romy »

Hi Simon,

just wanted to say that it's so nice to read from you again. How is my favourite pony Henry? Don't know if I have ever told you, but you and Henry have been one of my main inspirations for buying Pia back then in 2008 - and now I got Baca 1.5 years ago, because ever since having seen the first Henry pics, I have wanted a Shetland pony of that colour as well. Maybe one day I will get a saddlechariot for Baca and me. But for now he is just a baby, so I might get in touch with you again in a few years.

Best wishes,
Romy (from the AND forum)
Beiträge: 10877
Registriert: Fr 15. Feb 2013, 10:27
Wohnort: Oberbayern

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von Keshia »

Watching the first video my heart stopped several times, cause I always thought you were on the wrong side of the street. :neben:
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