Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

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Beiträge: 21166
Registriert: Di 12. Jun 2012, 20:50
Wohnort: zw. KS und PB

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von lungomare »

yeah, please meet up, you two, an take a looooot of pictures :-)

PonyAccess, that is what I wrote in the topic: that you had tried out bigger wheels but found that the smaller ones are more comfortable.
as far as that misunderstanding "pony too close to SC" is concerned I cannot contribute much as the only vehicle my pony has ever pulled was our sledge. since during the last 13 years my pony never kicked at anyone and never bucked but twice or thrice because of an ill-fit saddle, I was not worrying a lot about this problem.

hope, the admins are going to change your account to "registered user" asap (maybe it takes a day or two because of the weekend), so you can take part in the discussion :-)
Choose being kind over being right and you'll be right most of the times.
... die mit der buchstabenfressenden Tastatur..

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von Shieldmaiden »

oh fab, that's really not far away at all from where i am, in fact i'm in MK tomorrow.

friday? can you send me some details? i may be able to come round, if only for a short while.
ehem User

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von ehem User »

Hello Simon,
I´m excited about your homepage and your projects, especially about the iBex. My daughter is handicapped and is sitting in an electric wheel chair and when I see your Pictures, I start dreaming....
Good luck for all your ideas!
ehem User

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von ehem User »

Hi Miminas, I am afraid I am not able to see the files as I am not yet a registered user. When I have worked out how everything works, I will put up more pictures of the iBex in use. It works with all manual and electric wheelchairs and some mobility scooters.
ehem User

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von ehem User »

Shieldmaiden, it's all a bit chaos at the moment. I am really up there for a first meeting which will be fun as they don't have any equestrian department so I will just be demonstrating on the road as it were. My contact details are on the website so if you are interested, give me a call.
ehem User

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von ehem User »

I just put a photo of my daughter and my horse;-).
I´ll follow your notations with interest!
(sorry for my bad english)

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von Shieldmaiden »

Hello Simon,

will do - probably this friday is a bit short notice, but i'll get in touch and we can arrange something :-)
Beiträge: 4659
Registriert: Do 17. Mai 2012, 18:00
Wohnort: im schönen Bergischen Land

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von Biggi »

Hello SImon! This is, what we are loocking for since years! We need a smal and cross-country mobility wagon for our 1,05 Shetlandpony.

Why do the ponys all go with a biteless bridle? And why do they use a hat or a cap instead of of a whip?
Viele Grüße


Reiten ist ganz einfach: Du sitzt drauf und brauchst fast nichts zu machen! :-D Das Probelm: Du darfst auch fast nichts machen! :mrgreen:

Das Tagebuch der schrecklichen Schecken!

ehem User

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von ehem User »

Biggi, the hat and cap theory is now out of date. With Obama, the black and white pony, he either goes or he doesn't. With any threat he turns nasty. He was seriously abused by people with whips and bits and spurs, so any sign of aggression, and he is impossible. But if you are nice, you can do anything. I was training a new pony yesterday and after 6 sessions we did an hour and half in the Saddlechariot, but with only a headcollar, and kindness.
Beiträge: 8934
Registriert: Di 15. Mai 2012, 11:44

Re: Simon Mulholland Saddlechariot iBex

Beitrag von tara »

PonyAcess hat geschrieben: I am working with the Open University to develop a joystick based control system for Obama so the people with disabilities who want to drive but can't handle the reins, have a control system.
Oh my God!!!
Years ago my husband told me that riding a horse is not his favorite sport, because he (as a computer freak) can not control the horse with a joystick. we have been laughing about this joke. :teehee:
and now it seems that this joke develops to a real thing!
Liebe Grüße
☮️ 🇺🇦 🇮🇱

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